Different Ways to Keep Your Employees Away From Distractions

Different Ways to Keep Your Employees Away From Distractions

When you are working continuously for hours, coming across different distractions is a usual thing. Also, if you are working around people who mainly work with some creative work, you simply get distracted by all the noisy discussions. For many people, this can become a very difficult situation as they cannot ask people around them to keep it low or take discussions elsewhere. All they can do is struggle to keep their mind on their tasks and complete them. Because they are working in such an environment with too many distractions, there is also a chance that they make mistakes as well.

One of the things about distractions is that people alone do not cause them. Sometimes, it is caused by notifications appearing on the screen and different apps and software you have on your phone or computer. Many people and organizations consider technology as the major contributor to distractions caused to their people.

The Internet might be one of the most useful things in the world when it comes to workplace productivity. However, one cannot also deny the fact countless distractions come with all the advantages. For instance, when you are working, you might have the habit of browsing your social media account, looking at different notifications, sending and receiving messages, answer to different emails, and so on. This can conveniently become an agent of wasting countless hours both at work and at home as well.

One of the things about these distractions is that they are very enticing and sometimes they can lure you towards them and you get late with your deadlines. Even when you are leaving for work, a single notification can sometimes get you to waste a few precious minutes and so you try to leave in a hurry leaving some valuable stuff behind. In short, it is not wrong to say that all of this has a Domino effect on your entire day.

Many people and managers use different productivity tools and time management apps and software. These tools and apps have proven results but the foremost thing that one should work on is self-control and a way to repel any distractions that might occur to you. There are so many tools and apps that you can use on your phones using RCN’s high-speed internet services. To get RCN internet for your home and to address any complications while using the service, you can use RCN Customer Support. For now, let’s have a look at the different ways organizations try to keep their employees away from all distractions:

Devise a Clear Policy for Internet Usage 

As discussed earlier, the internet can become a way of creating some major distractions at work. If your employees know what they are allowed to do and things that they are not supposed to do, it will your life easy and your department more manageable. You can define the goals of using the internet and make things as clear as possible for the employees so that there is no room for confusion.

If your employees are people who work on the creative side, they might need a distraction or time off the screen. For this, you can allow them to watch a bit of YouTube or listen to music. This will help them understand that they are spending too much time on entertainment and they will control their distractions by themselves.

You Can Outline Disciplinary Actions for Not Following the Policy

This might seem something obvious in case your employees break a rule. Making things more concrete and providing a written draft of disciplinary actions in case of a breach in the Internet policy can help in a lot of ways.

Firstly, it will avoid spending time deciding the appropriate punishment,

Secondly, it will take away the negative impact that you might feel as a manager. The absence of a written ramification will keep you in ambiguity and if it is your company’s policy then you are just following orders.

Lastly, your employees will make sure that they should not take a risk and commit actions that are prohibited by the company.

Control Websites That Your Employees Can Use

This is another easy way to regulate internet usage and avoid distractions in the workplace. When you control websites using different techniques, you get better results. There are different software, apps, and plugins that can filter out websites that you do not want your employees to visit

There is software that is capable enough to empower managers to configure different internet usage settings according to the company’s policy. They can decide about the websites employees can visit using a single console. One can also select a keyword or category of websites that managers don’t want their employees to visit.

Monitor Websites Your Employees Visit Frequently

You can monitor and provide reports to your employees in case they use a certain website very frequently. For instance, if there are employees who spend long hours watching videos online, you can provide them with a report so that they know they are being watched

There are different software that enables managers to report internet usage reports and the websites your employees visit along with the time spent on the website and so on. Also, this software lets managers know how their employees are using their privileges

You Can Allow Internet Usage during Lunch Breaks

Using different software you can also set schedules for your employees so that you can allow internet usage during break hours. This will allow your employees to use this time as a recreation to play games online, enjoy their lunch, and make phone calls at home, and so on. This will make your work environment less cohesive.

You Can Offer a Reward to Deserving Employees 

When you are trying to create a controlled work environment, you can also add a reward to employees who perform well. There are so many ways to reward your employees. To encourage them, you can highlight their good efforts and add more rewards.

You Can Talk Things Out

You can provide your employee some time to sort out their distraction issues. You can provide them with the best practices and help them improve their work-life. Also, if their work is getting affected due to their distractions, you can provide them with assistance in that case as well. Also, listen to their feedback too and try to sort their problem in the most appropriate way possible.


In the end, one can say that there are so many distractions that people come across in life. These distractions and ways to avoid them vary from person to person too. To avoid distractions at work you can devise policies that can help your employees grow in a better way by talking to them and coaching them. This is going to have a positive impact on your resource’s growth and the growth of your business as well.

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About the Author: John Taylor

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