Tips for Reducing Human Error in Your IT Infrastructure

Many firms learn the hard way that human error is still a very hazardous problem in the world of IT, particularly in cybersecurity.

Companies that don’t put preventative measures in place frequently fall short when it comes to safeguarding some of their most important assets: data and digital material. This is due to hybrid working, SaaS (software as a service) solutions, and an overall greater reliance on the online world.

Human error is one of the largest gaps in the armor, regardless of how strong your IT security system is.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to lessen the likelihood that human error will result in a problem, and in most situations, they begin with reviewing the digital abilities each member of your team possesses.

Here are some ideas you might want to consider if you think there is more you could be doing to reduce the likelihood of human mistake in your own company.

Reevaluate Permissions

It’s critical to keep track of which employees have access to what areas of your IT infrastructure.

It’s critical to give permissions carefully in order to keep your data secure and in the hands of the proper people. For instance, you wouldn’t want a staff member who isn’t trained to handle extremely sensitive documents to access them.

A excellent strategy is to establish unambiguous permissions that correspond to the skill levels of your personnel. You might wish to read a thorough tutorial on how to control overprivileged identities for some deeper insight into this subject, which can be quite difficult both practically and ethically.

Offer Instruction

A crucial aspect of the modern workplace is training. Your staff members will probably find it difficult to maintain their skill sets current without frequent training.

This has a number of negative effects on the workplace, including decreased productivity, process effectiveness, general job satisfaction, and security.

A workforce that lacks the necessary digital abilities can be filled with the aid of digital skills training, which could increase cybersecurity awareness and lower human error rates generally.

There are several online learning platforms targeted exclusively towards businesses that are worth checking out, and they may be used to finish training without breaking the bank.

promoting safe online usage

The rest of your team should eventually follow suit if you can promote safe online use and set an example for it with your senior staff members.

In order to prevent human error, it is important to practice your own online safety techniques, such as learning to identify phony websites, selecting strong passwords, identifying spam emails, or a variety of other common threats. The more you individually understand cyber-hygiene, the simpler it will be to avoid mistakes.

It’s crucial to remember that most data breaches are still caused by human error, and weak passwords play a significant role in this.

You can use password management software to keep track of your passwords and ensure that your staff members change their passwords on a regular basis (at least once a month).


Changing passwords frequently is crucial for any points of entry into your company’s system. A multi-factor authentication system is necessary for an additional layer of password security.

In order to significantly increase their security rates, many businesses choose to adopt this kind of solution. In contrast to a randomly generated time-sensitive authentication number, a password, for instance, may be phished or, if it’s bad, guessed. An effective strategy to protect against active cybercriminals who try to take advantage of human error is to combine the two into a multi-factor verification system.

One-time passwords can be set up by a reputable security supplier, your system provider, or an IT expert. One-time passwords are passwords or codes that are generated each time a person accesses your system. You can utilize a variety of apps to handle this for you as well; just make sure you can trust them first.

By merely fortifying weak entry points, this can decrease human mistake. Say a malevolent party learns an employee’s password; if they are unable to get past the secondary access verification code, you have successfully stopped a data breach.

Furthermore, if a password is unlawfully stolen, a smart security system can identify the location from where it is being input, allowing you to take prompt action to secure your infrastructure.

Employ the Proper Tools

The proper equipment can make a huge difference. When possible, outdated hardware or software components should be upgraded because they can be particularly vulnerable to the overall IT system.

Employees using out-of-date equipment may be more likely to make mistakes and stumbles in general because with time, equipment may start to malfunction or stop functioning properly.This holds true for every component of the system, including your browsers, printers, and everything in between. By being informed, you can give your staff the resources they need to function safely while doing their online duties.

You must also address the problem if your employees feel uneasy with the technology you now use. It might be possible to correct this through training, but in other circumstances, transferring to a new system might be necessary.

Before making any significant changes, it’s crucial to speak with an IT professional, especially if you want to minimize downtime.

The easier it should be for employees to keep safe online, the more at ease they should be using technology.

Learn About Your System

Where in your system is human mistake most likely to occur? Which aspects of the job do the members of your team need further training in? Where have breaches occurred in the past? Finding a preventative strategy that works best for your business is made easier the more you understand your system.

In this regard, regular system evaluations and monitoring are essential, so create a checklist and get everyone on the same page. In the workplace, harmony and awareness can be formidable friends.

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About the Author: John Bravo

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